According to the announcement of 2014 Farm Bill from U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) in February, electronic food stamp, EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) card processing and related expense provisions will be terminated after September 22nd. The expenses covered EBT card processing terminal fee, usage and receipt printer paper, and transaction fee. Therefore the business merchants accepting EBT cards will have to select a card processing company at latest by September 21st in order to prevent cancelation of EBT card acceptance or other related incidents.
The improvement of the economy is still uncertain and the abrupt decisions made by the USDA have caused concerns in merchants. To relieve this tension, certain Korean organizations have been putting their efforts to minimize the losses. Korean American Grocer’s Association (CA KAGRO, President, JoongChil Kim), a business partner of BankCard Services, have stated that the members will be able to receive EBT card processing service through BankCard Services at a drastically discounted fee.
“We are trying our best in order to help relieve the burden of the Korean business owners,” stated the BankCard Services’ VP Michelle Shin. She also added, “BankCard Services will not only provide free terminals but as well as no contract term and free EBT registration.”
EBT card processing related information can be provided more in detail at BankCard Services (1-888-339-0100).